People you helped are getting ahead but you’re not, and they’re not even giving you shout-outs. I invite you to review your past month of activity. Did the people you helped appreciate you? Did they say thank you? Did they …
Debt free and time to invest!! Whoot-Whoot! JJ celebrates you and gives advice for the next phase of your abundant life. JJ also talks about loan forbearance trap that many are experiencing right now as a result of COVID-19, and …
You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. Let me reassure you: it WILL be ok. You can let the storm beat you down, or you can harness its power to become a better you. Connect …
You don’t charge for your services. And it’s not a choice. You just don’t know how to ask. Or you don’t feel comfortable asking. You don’t want to appear scammy. You can fill in the blank of all the reasons …
Living with Momma usually isn’t the best way to start your own family, but if the relationship is solid your parents could be a big help while getting out of debt. JJ talks about when to stay and when to …
Excerpt from Healing My Sisters 2020: You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. Let me reassure you: it WILL be ok. You can let the storm beat you down, or you can harness its power …
Over 20 years ago, I had a friend, whose coworker gave her $100 to apply to live in a safer area of town. That night at church the pastor convinced her to give the PASTOR that money. I was angry …
JJ talks about how she lost ALL of her savings on a hot tip from the barbershop! Then she gives advice to a couple who are frustrated feeling like they’re working so hard and getting nowhere. If you’re struggling to …
Special Treat! Another re-broadcast from our Healing My Sisters conference. Part of what blocks you from building wealth is needing to heal from the traumas of your past. You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. …
JJ talks about how important Independence day is to her, and how thankful she is to live in the USA, despite our storied past, because this is one place on earth that our Constitution guarantees us the ability to buy …
JJ talks about how to prioritize your spending in this time of “quasi-post-covid” where we thought it was going away and now it appears to be rising again. This the final episode (#7) in our “Surviving COVID-19” series. Get the …
You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. Let me reassure you: it WILL be ok. You can let the storm beat you down, or you can harness its power to become a better you. Connect …
JJ discusses how easily it is to allow our perceptions to be skewed. This is especially true of long-standing beliefs, where we hesitate to allow new information to shift our thinking. Similarly, it’s natural human behavior to ascribe years of...
JJ answers questions about how to find someone to help you invest (and whether or not you actually need to). Also, JJ has big kudos for someone retiring from the oilfield with good savings and recommendations for the next phase …
You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. Let me reassure you: it WILL be ok. You can let the storm beat you down, or you can harness its power to become a better you. Connect …
JJ encourages listeners to "put the cookies on the lowest shelf" and "meet people where they are." If you’re not sure where to start on your journey to financial independence, give JJ’s “3 Easy Ways to WIN with money” a …
JJ answers questions about investing and why the most important thing is to DO IT and do it consistently. Also, JJ talks about being intentional, knowing your “big why” and tells part of her story that drives her to make …
You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. Let me reassure you: it WILL be ok. You can let the storm beat you down, or you can harness its power to become a better you. Connect …
With racial tensions climbing, JJ offers a solution: educate those who don’t realize how they’re playing into systemic racism by putting your money where your mouth is! You can’t legislate belief but you CAN legislate behavior and you CAN...
JJ answers questions about why you should invest a little more aggressively than you might expect in your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a fantastic benefit of being a federal employee. Also, JJ encourages those of you in your 60s, 70s, …
You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. Let me reassure you: it WILL be ok. You can let the storm beat you down, or you can harness its power to become a better you. Connect …
Are you willing to send me 3 min or less video or audio on one of these topics? - what the current racial tensions mean to YOU - what you are personally doing about it, or what you think others …
JJ answers questions about what to do when you’re working hard and the money is disappearing faster than you can make it. Also, JJ talks about why it’s usually a bad idea to add yourself to someone’s loan, even if …
You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. With everything going on in the world, people really need HOPE right now: Hope that we can find meaning and purpose through all this. Hope that our families …