JJ discusses all the stuff people consider investments, such as cars, oriental rugs, furs, that are actually money sinks rather than money makers. She explains how to determine what’s an investment and how to use strategic shopping to free up...
JJ Conway Interviewed by Altovise Pelzer as Part of the 2019 World Voice Summit
JJ applies the sad story of Reuben to our lives. He thought he was doing the right thing by playing it political and straddling the fence between saving the life of his brother, and falling into the groupthink of his …
JJ discusses some best practices for you to consider when drafting real estate partnership agreements. PLUS your money questions answered on debt consolidation and how to stop making excuses and start building wealth. Be sure to sign up...
What does a Chicken Sandwich Have to Do With Generational Wealth? EVERYTHING!
Saturday Morning Juice With JJ
JJ talks about why she often recommends against Network-Marketing companies also known as “Direct Sales” or “Multi-Level-Marketing” (i.e. MLMs), for her clients, even though they can be incredibly profitable. She also outlines what to look for...
Are You Walking in Integrity... With Yourself?
Saturday "Juice With JJ"