Today we continue our study of John Maxwell’s Becoming a Person of Influence (). You'll learn how helping others grow actually enlarges YOU. Dial in every Monday at 11:30 am CT, 12:30pm ET, or catch it later on the Building …
It's time to DO something about that physical clutter in our houses, emotional clutter in our minds, relationship clutter, fat and toxic clutter in our body, and even spiritual clutter in our lives! JJ talks about why we must declutter …
JJ jumps right into answering your money questions. She talks about getting freelance gigs with online website providers, pursuing your dream job when you’re stuck somewhere else, making sure your investments pass the “Grandma Test” and...
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!” Right? NO! NO! NO! JJ challenges this old adage and shows you how sometimes, especially if you are an entrepreneur, you will have more fun, help more people, and …
Are you tired of feeling like you’re not enough? Not pretty enough, not smart enough, not rich enough? JJ is here to tell you that YOU ARE ENOUGH! You are perfectly gifted, talented, and resourced to do whatever it is …
JJ jumps right into answering your money questions. Wheter you’re swimming in debt and don’t know how to prioritize your monies, or whether you’ve recently gotten engaged and need help determining whether to buy a house beforehand, JJ has...
Listening communicates respect, concern, and appreciation. We all know that we “have 2 ears and 1 mouth so we should listen twice as much as we speak,” and we all know that we should listen to understand, not just to …
JJ talks about the success of the Women Building Wealth Together 5th Annual Convention DESPITE all the things that went wrong behind the scenes. Says JJ: “So many things went wrong behind the scenes that I cannot possibly claim credit...
We all know money problems aren’t really money problems. After all, the math is simple, and if solving money problems was a matter of doing math, none of us would ever be in debt and all of us would be …
People are isolated. John Maxwell wrote about this back before facebook and social media existed, and the problem is far much worse today! Most people don’t have faith in themselves and when we look around, most of us don’t have …
Grab a cuppa and consider today’s Juice with JJ. Did you know there’s several scriptures you can pray that ask for destruction of your enemies? Christians hear all the time that we should pray God’s mercy over our enemies. JJ …
In today’s teaching moment, JJ replays a lesson she learned back in March about how her subconscious was blocking her wealth. It might help you reach the next level! Then, JJ answers your money questions, including what to do if …
John C. Maxwell's Becoming of Person of Influence
Today JJ talks about her husband’s brute strength and how she learned a lesson in making the choice to appreciate your spouse rather than nitpicking about the little things that really aren’t important. If you struggle with attracting or...
Today JJ spends quality time with a discussion of what gets us stuck, not only in our money habits but also in our overall life. Then she gives us some great tips for getting unstuck and answers some heavy questions …
Today we continue our study of John Maxwell’s Becoming a Person of Influence. JJ talks about our integrity is defined in the little moments, and gives practical steps we can use to walk in greater integrity. This lesson goes hand-in-hand...
Today JJ talks about how Pastors have a responsibility to protect the flock. When they don’t, the impacts can be long-lasting. However, we ALL (even if we’ve been church hurt) have the capacity to CHOOSE happiness. JJ references...
Today JJ gets right into your questions – we answer questions from people who are in OVERWHELMING debt situations. Be encouraged! You CAN overcome this! You CAN succeed! JJ will show you how to keep food on the table and …
Today we begin our study of John Maxwell’s Becoming a Person of Influence. JJ talks about how we are all people of influence, whether we realize it or not and whether it’s for good or not. Some of us influence …
Why are you procrastinating? Why did you stop short of your goal? Learn from JJ’s experience of facebooking in her car instead of being early to her former running group how to peel back the union and challenge what’s blocking …
JJ discusses all the stuff people consider investments, such as cars, oriental rugs, furs, that are actually money sinks rather than money makers. She explains how to determine what’s an investment and how to use strategic shopping to free up...
JJ Conway Interviewed by Altovise Pelzer as Part of the 2019 World Voice Summit
JJ applies the sad story of Reuben to our lives. He thought he was doing the right thing by playing it political and straddling the fence between saving the life of his brother, and falling into the groupthink of his …
JJ discusses some best practices for you to consider when drafting real estate partnership agreements. PLUS your money questions answered on debt consolidation and how to stop making excuses and start building wealth. Be sure to sign up...