JJ talks about her dumb debt trinity: personal debt, business debt, and ministry debt. She also explains why you want to invest (if you’re out of debt) even if the market is down. She outlines a slick trick for couples …
JJ gives you some clear-cut symptoms to know if your High Stress Career Field is preventing you from building wealth, using the book Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Dr Kevin Gilmartin. JJ received this book while participating in the …
I always say “I’m not going to go on a college-loan rant.” This time, I’m going on a “college-loan mini rant.” Lemme tell ya somethin: College Loans are siphoning wealth from our generations. We THINK we are helping our children …
JJ outlines the 3 levels of financial freedom and gets passionate while discussing how WE are the only one who can fight for our family’s financial future. This discussion was pulled from this month’s fireside chat and was recorded live …
JJ continues discussing why people in High Stress Career Fields have a difficult time building wealth, using the book Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Dr Kevin Gilmartin. JJ received this book while participating in the Caddo Parrish...
Two new scams that have been making the rounds: First is a USPS mailing scam, and then a voicemail I wish I hadn’t immediately deleted so I could play it for you: This one was regarding my time share contract. …
I would have been debt free faster if I wasn’t an entitled whiney princess. Yep, I admit it! Let’s talk about that along with why car leases are really care FLEECES, Celebrate someone who’s knocked out over $150K of debt …
Today we start a new series on Emotional Survival for High Stress Career Fields, using the book Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Dr Kevin Gilmartin. JJ received this book while participating in the Caddo Parrish Citizen’s Police Academy. It...
MY BIG WHY has always been my boys. It started off as my oldest, because I was DETERMINED that he would NEVER AGAIN have to spend the night in my car, in a Walmart parking lot. Never again would his …
JJ discusses how college loans are siphoning wealth at an alarming rate from Hispanic and African American communities. She also begins outlining her 3 levels of financial freedom. You’ll also get a humorous glimpse into JJ’s personal life, as...
For me, the highlight of the Aug International Maxwell Certification conference was being able to ask John Maxwell for his reflection upon, reactions to, and changes made because of, the question Miles McPherson challenged us with: "Have I done...
Today we talk about a lie straight from the pit of hell that’s designed to keep us accepting abusive and disrespectful behavior from those who are supposed to love us, and keep us living lackluster lives with low-quality relationships. We …
People are making BIG MONEY despite COVID. Here’s how. Many businesses are closing down. but DID YOU KNOW MANY ARE MAKING BIG MONEY! No matter what industry you are in, there is a way for you to profit BIG. JJ …
People you helped are getting ahead but you’re not, and they’re not even giving you shout-outs. I invite you to review your past month of activity. Did the people you helped appreciate you? Did they say thank you? Did they …
Debt free and time to invest!! Whoot-Whoot! JJ celebrates you and gives advice for the next phase of your abundant life. JJ also talks about loan forbearance trap that many are experiencing right now as a result of COVID-19, and …
You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. Let me reassure you: it WILL be ok. You can let the storm beat you down, or you can harness its power to become a better you. Connect …
You don’t charge for your services. And it’s not a choice. You just don’t know how to ask. Or you don’t feel comfortable asking. You don’t want to appear scammy. You can fill in the blank of all the reasons …
Living with Momma usually isn’t the best way to start your own family, but if the relationship is solid your parents could be a big help while getting out of debt. JJ talks about when to stay and when to …
Excerpt from Healing My Sisters 2020: You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. Let me reassure you: it WILL be ok. You can let the storm beat you down, or you can harness its power …
Over 20 years ago, I had a friend, whose coworker gave her $100 to apply to live in a safer area of town. That night at church the pastor convinced her to give the PASTOR that money. I was angry …
JJ talks about how she lost ALL of her savings on a hot tip from the barbershop! Then she gives advice to a couple who are frustrated feeling like they’re working so hard and getting nowhere. If you’re struggling to …
Special Treat! Another re-broadcast from our Healing My Sisters conference. Part of what blocks you from building wealth is needing to heal from the traumas of your past. You CAN find meaning and purpose in the midst of the storm. …
JJ talks about how important Independence day is to her, and how thankful she is to live in the USA, despite our storied past, because this is one place on earth that our Constitution guarantees us the ability to buy …
JJ talks about how to prioritize your spending in this time of “quasi-post-covid” where we thought it was going away and now it appears to be rising again. This the final episode (#7) in our “Surviving COVID-19” series. Get the …