Maya Angelou once said that people will forget what you said and what you did, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel and I tell you what: If I wasn’t so close to making A-list on Southwest (and …
Today for wealth-building Wednesday, I wanna talk a little bit about some of my most favorite clients and some of my worst mistakes. I’m gonna open up to you the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you’re looking for …
From JJ’s “Time Tested Success Strategies” course, today’s "Mindset Monday" delves into a powerful skill designed to take your leadership to the next level. You’ll learn why “leadership by democracy” doesn’t typically work, and...
Maya Angelou once said that people will forget what you said and what you did, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel and I tell you what: If I wasn’t so close to making A-list on Southwest (and …
Drawing from lessons learned at the Power Networking Conference as Dr. George Fraser talked about the “4 Currencies.” Learn what these currencies are, and then get equipped with strategies for maximizing them in your life. Ready to shift...
JJ talks about her amazing experience at Jon Talarico’s Breakthrough Event with Les Brown. She also talks about the 2 magic words that open up many opportunities for connection with famous people like Eric Schlosser and Clark Howard. Be a …
Learn why JJ thinks this latest announcement of student debt forgiveness is a political scam that may not be any more effective than the current “forgiveness” programs that result in less than 1% of qualified applicants actually receiving a...