Sept. 12, 2020

Episode 94: Juice With JJ – Why My BIG WHY Isn't My BIG WHY anymore

Episode 94: Juice With JJ – Why My BIG WHY Isn't My BIG WHY anymore

MY BIG WHY has always been my boys. It started off as my oldest, because I was DETERMINED that he would NEVER AGAIN have to spend the night in my car, in a Walmart parking lot. Never again would his meals consist of what free samples we could get at...

MY BIG WHY has always been my boys. It started off as my oldest, because I was DETERMINED that he would NEVER AGAIN have to spend the night in my car, in a Walmart parking lot. Never again would his meals consist of what free samples we could get at Sam’s Club and Meijer’s or whatever church was offering free family meal that night. 


ALL successful people I’ve talked to have those NEVER AGAIN moments where they have hit rock bottom –financially, in relationships, in health, etc.

And I left my BIG WHY out of last month’s Building Wealth Together Meeting presentation.  Find out WHY in this podcast.

Learn more about taking your life to the next level, and how to make sure you don’t end up eating dog food in retirement, at and