Sept. 8, 2019

Episode 7: Juice With JJ - When Good People Stand By and Do Nothing

Episode 7:  Juice With JJ - When Good People Stand By and Do Nothing

JJ applies the sad story of Reuben to our lives.  He thought he was doing the right thing by playing it political and straddling the fence between saving the life of his brother, and falling into the groupthink of his other brothers who wanted to...

JJ applies the sad story of Reuben to our lives.  He thought he was doing the right thing by playing it political and straddling the fence between saving the life of his brother, and falling into the groupthink of his other brothers who wanted to kill the boy.  Too often in our life we think we’re playing it safe, but a little piece of ourselves dies ever time we avoid taking a stand for our character and values.  This hinders us from walking in abundance!   Be sure to sign up for JJ’s upcoming Think and Grow Rich Course as all proceeds benefit the Global Youth Initiative of Northwest Louisiana.  Learn more about JJ, including complimentary coaching and life-changing courses at