April 16, 2020

Episode 59: Wealth Building Wednesday Sunk Costs, Overpricing Your Value, and the Science Behind My B-Day Free Gift

Episode 59: Wealth Building Wednesday Sunk Costs, Overpricing Your Value, and the Science Behind My B-Day Free Gift

JJ’s been sick in bed these last 3 days so was not able to record tonight’s “Wealth Building Wednesday COVID Series #5.” She will be getting tested for COVID soon, and in the meantime, here’s a blast from the past.  Those of you who are...

JJ’s been sick in bed these last 3 days so was not able to record tonight’s “Wealth Building Wednesday COVID Series #5.” She will be getting tested for COVID soon, and in the meantime, here’s a blast from the past. 

Those of you who are part of JJ’s “Real Success Mentoring Program” will recognize this as the 2018 class explaining why she did a giveaway gift on HER birthday and what business lessons you can learn from it, such as the fallacy of sunk costs and the tendency for new coaches to overprice their value.

Please be gracious as this recording was not originally intended for podcast and was recorded with more “road noise” than usual.  You can learn more about JJ at JJConway.org