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Ladies of Wealth are on a mission to Build Wealth That Changes Lives (tm). This podcast empowers you to dump debt, build wealth, and prosper! More money, less stress! Join us as we journey to elevate our lives in all 5 areas of abundance: Health, Wealth, Spiritual Growth, and Self Expression.  

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Nov 20, 2019

Today JJ jumps right into answering your money questions, and talks about some of her toughest money struggles.  To answer one particular question, she outlines an action plan for commission earners that will help you harness the power of your "good months" so you can live the good life, even in the "down months."  

If you’re struggling to take charge of your money right now, we invite you to book a no-cost consult with JJ Conway. You can learn more about JJ’s life-changing courses at  All proceeds benefit the Global Youth Initiative of Northwest Louisiana.