Maya Angelou once said that people will forget what you said and what you did, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel and I tell you what: If I wasn’t so close to making A-list on Southwest (and if I didn’t hear about so many complaints...
Maya Angelou once said that people will forget what you said and what you did, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel and I tell you what: If I wasn’t so close to making A-list on Southwest (and if I didn’t hear about so many complaints about the other big airline in my market) I would probably stop flying them after the blatant discrimination experienced on their flights this past weekend.
Many of you know I went to FinCon (AMAZING) and then flew out to see Les Brown at Jon Talarico’s Breakthrough event - INSPIRING to meet my mentors in person! It’s been a fun summer flying from place to place but the airline I used to love has really suffered from personnel shortages and a lack of schedule reliability. Let me tell you what happened, and how I, if I were training the flight attendants, would have trained my staff to handle the situation.
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