June 12, 2021

Episode 153: What About The Men

Episode 153: What About The Men

Juice With JJ

Since most of my audience is women, let me ask you: When was the last time you really thought about what a man wants. And I don’t just mean because Father’s day is next weekend. Which, if you didn’t know, you have time to buy a card. You’re welcome. Seriously, though, when it comes to men, have you thought about how you can serve them?


Two announcements: I’m in Episode 3 of Dave Meltzer’s 2-Minute Drill. It’s like a shark-tank for entrepreneurs competing for over $50,000 of cash and prizes. You can catch me July 2nd, on Amazon Prime. Get your free watchparty invite here:

Also, next weekend is Juneteenth, and I have something SPECIAL for you when you sign up for my free Juneteenth event@ JJCLink.com/Juneteenth  I’ll kick off the discussion at 8am CT with Generational Freedom followed by Generational Land Ownership (Creative Financing). We’ll have a panel, and close out with “Another Seat at the Table”