Sep 30, 2019
We continue our study of John Maxwell’s Becoming a Person of Influence with a discussion of nurturing. Nurturing impacts all of our areas of abundance: Health, Wealth, Spiritual Growth, Relationships, and Self-Expression. You, like JJ, may not be a “natural nurturer,” but that’s ok! We’ll show you how to...
Sep 28, 2019
Today JJ talks about her husband’s brute strength and how she learned a lesson in making the choice to appreciate your spouse rather than nitpicking about the little things that really aren’t important. If you struggle with attracting or nurturing good relationship into your life, be sure to sign up for JJ’s
Sep 25, 2019
Today JJ spends quality time with a discussion of what gets us stuck, not only in our money habits but also in our overall life. Then she gives us some great tips for getting unstuck and answers some heavy questions about money: How to get your spouse on board with getting out of debt, and how to (if you even should)...
Sep 23, 2019
Today we continue our study of John Maxwell’s Becoming a Person of Influence. JJ talks about our integrity is defined in the little moments, and gives practical steps we can use to walk in greater integrity. This lesson goes hand-in-hand with our Think & Grow Rich class running now at If you...
Sep 21, 2019
Today JJ talks about how Pastors have a responsibility to protect the flock. When they don’t, the impacts can be long-lasting. However, we ALL (even if we’ve been church hurt) have the capacity to CHOOSE happiness. JJ references a video talk that’s part of the Healing My Sisters Virtual Summit, and you can find...